
Circus kitchen, Avoidless architecture
Articles: The second season of the Experiments' Platform, Exhibition „What do we...?“, Discussion about experimentation in education, Publication "Experiments' Platform 2022", Photo reportage from Architektūros fondas’ exhibition What do we...? in SODAS 2123, Vilnius
Articles: The second season of the Experiments' Platform, Exhibition „What do we...?“, Discussion about experimentation in education, Publication "Experiments' Platform 2022", Photo reportage from Architektūros fondas’ exhibition What do we...? in SODAS 2123, Vilnius
Transdisciplinary artist, urban theorist and pedagogist, whose work researches complex relations between ephemeral structures, spatial appropriations and urban politics. Studied urban planning and urban sociology at the Bauhaus University Weimar and Tongji University Shanghai. Currently works as programme director of the hybrid cultural institution ZK/U Berlin (Centre for Arts and Urbanistics, Berlin), exploring the potentials of critical urban pedagogy (ZEDucation) and the role of grass-roots initiatives in trans-sectoral urban development (Haus der Statistik).