Exhibition What do we…? is the result of the six-month alternative architecture education programme called Experiments’ Platform, organised by Architektūros fondas.
The exhibition focuses on three questions that were asked during the second season of the programme: “What do we have?”, “What do we need?”, and “What do we want?”. These questions allowed the participants to explore different paths of research and opened up three interconnected pathways for their work.
The first question, “What do we need?”, served as an invitation to consider the present with a glimpse of the future. It encouraged participants to raise ecological and geopolitical awareness and to explore the functional and dysfunctional aspects of the present. The second question, “What do we have?”, encouraged participants to investigate existing resources not only in terms of materiality but immateriality as well. The final question, “What do we want?”, led participants to explore their dreams, personal desires, speculative futures, and, sometimes, self-centredness, moving away from the role of an architect.
During the second season of the Experiments’ Platform, the 13 participants of the platform, with the help of mentors, developed their thoughts and alternative approaches to architectural practice in the context of these three questions. The processes that took place during the programme were presented in the complex spaces of cultural centre SODAS 2123, Vilnius, Lithuania. We invite you to view moments from this process in the exhibition.
‘What do we…?’, exhibition view at culture centre SODAS 2123. Photo by Laurynas SkeisgielaEvelina Ąžuolaitytė, Oles Makukhin, ‘Celebrating failure’, installation, 2022. Photo by Laurynas SkeisgielaEvelina Ąžuolaitytė, Oles Makukhin, ‘Celebrating failure’, installation fragment, 2022. Photo by Laurynas SkeisgielaEvelina Bartusevičiūtė, ‘Avoidless architecture’, installation, 2022. Photo by Laurynas SkeisgielaEvelina Bartusevičiūtė, ‘Avoidless architecture’, catalogue of sketches, 2022. Photo by Laurynas SkeisgielaMagdalena Beliavska, ‘The Church of Urban Dreamers’, installation, 2022. Photo by Laurynas SkeisgielaMagdalena Beliavska, ‘The Church of Urban Dreamers’, installation fragment, 2022. Photo by Laurynas SkeisgielaMagdalena Beliavska, ‘The Church of Urban Dreamers’, installation fragment, 2022. Photo by Laurynas SkeisgielaAugustas Lapinskas, Emilijas Rakutienė, Lukas Jusas, ‘XANTHO’, installation, 2022. Photo by Laurynas SkeisgielaAugustas Lapinskas, Emilijas Rakutienė, Lukas Jusas, ‘XANTHO’, installation fragment, 2022. Photo by Laurynas SkeisgielaAugustas Lapinskas, Emilijas Rakutienė, Lukas Jusas, ‘XANTHO’, installation fragment, 2022. Photo by Laurynas SkeisgielaErik Vojevodin, ‘Circus kitchen’, installation, 2022. Photo by Laurynas SkeisgielaErik Vojevodin, ‘Circus kitchen’, installation fragment, 2022. Photo by Laurynas SkeisgielaErik Vojevodin, ‘Circus kitchen’, installation fragment, 2022. Photo by Laurynas SkeisgielaAistė Gaidilionytė, Augusta Orlauskaitė, Ieva Julija Bagdonaitė, Kamilė Vasiliauskaitė, ‘Secret manland’, installation, 2022. Photo by Laurynas SkeisgielaAistė Gaidilionytė, Augusta Orlauskaitė, Ieva Julija Bagdonaitė, Kamilė Vasiliauskaitė, ‘Secret manland’, catalogue, 2022. Photo by Laurynas SkeisgielaAgnė Rubytė, ‘Offgrid city’, installation, 2022. Photo by Laurynas SkeisgielaAgnė Rubytė, ‘Offgrid city’, game fragment, 2022. Photo by Laurynas SkeisgielaAgnė Rubytė, ‘Offgrid city’, installation fragment , 2022. Photo by Laurynas Skeisgiela‘What do we…?’, exhibition view at culture centre SODAS 2123. Photo by Laurynas Skeisgiela
Special thank you to the alternative education programme of centre for art, residencies and education – Rupert.
Architektūros fondas is a member of the LINA platform co-funded by the European Union.