“Avoidless architecture and communities” community building workshop - playing with ink, Republican Vilnius Psychiatric Hospital
It should be emphasized that these meetings are aimed for finding ways to get to know the different users of the building on an equal basis, to create sustainable connections/community. During the second workshop (that it was with different participants), the biggest challenge is the long waiting time to get the approval from RVPL board for the session. Especially when you are a person from the outside, and not so much with goals clearly understood by everyone. Many people are involved in trying to come to an agreement. The hospital’s communication representative (helps to strategize with whom and when to contact, corrects the invitation, shares the invitation on the hospital’s internal website), heads of various departments (evaluates patients’ opportunities to participate in classes/ directs information to (individual) patients), management (gets acquainted with the initiative/ its guidelines , receives the final event program/invitation and approves it), management administrator (conveys the message – prints the announcement and places it in the hospital’s internal communication mailbox), department staff (hangs the found invitation on the bulletin board), department nurses/staff (escorts patients to the place of activity .). Despite the fact that the invitation states that the event is intended for the entire RVPL community, i.e. patients, their relatives, nurses, doctors, administration, staff, management, the invitation is perceived as intended for only one group – patients. When accompanying persons (nurses or employees) are invited to join the session, confusion and misunderstanding appear on their faces – why is it meant for them? Some of the employees who came joined, others sat on the sidelines and watched. For this event, a way to cultivate community was chosen – ink drawing session. An activity that does not require prior knowledge, is named as a means to calm down/ relax. Work, as a phenomenon, has a tendency to tire the person performing it, so this meeting is both for the tired RVPL patient and for the workers surrounded by worries and work. Several songs were played for the participants, they were offered to listen, and while listening, they were free to pour colors with different tools. After the drawing/music piece, one by one, we would say how we felt during the process, what we experienced.

Received review after the event:
Marius Lukošiūnas – workshop participant who does not belong to the RVPL community
“I arrived half an hour late, but I was received very gladly, I did not know the names or whether one came as a guest or as a patient of the hospital. It took a couple of minutes for me to realize that it wasn’t them who were ‘something different’, but me with my own imagination, after a while there was only one beautiful thing – us. Different sizes of paper, different musical compositions, different moods, and different drawings for everyone:) I have no doubt that each of us took away not only palms covered with ink, but also a piece of a very good bright feeling.”