Inspiration from disappointment, rejection and ignorance
In our project we wanted to pay attention to the spaces that are on the brink of extinction or changes. In a particular case, we have chosen the Lelija factory as an object that will be reconstructed, and the factory as it is will cease its existence. We had an intention to leave a memory of Lelija in a form of spatial installation, using constructional leftovers and materials from the factory. For unexplained reasons our intention was ignored and finally rejected, however a similar idea is precisely used and incarnated now by other artists. With this experiment we wanted to raise a question: Why?
Location search
Finding a location
Deciding research methods
Doing research
Creating a concept
Choosing the methods to create the installation
Choosing the material
Looking for a workplace
Waiting for an answers
Requesting for material
Waiting for an answers
Waiting for an answers
Creating a concept
Requesting the materials
Waiting for an answers
Waiting for an answers
Thinking about quitting the project
Getting the workplace
Working on a concept
Requesting for material
Waiting for an answers
Requesting for material
Waiting for an answers
Requesting for material
Request is being rejected
Discovering material will be used by others for similar ideas
Understanding that without this material project loses its meaning and our idea is not fulfilled
Thinking about quitting the project
Admitting failing
Changing the theme
Changing the conception
Deciding not to tell a story about a place, but tell the story how we failed to do our project
Getting other material
Changing workplace
Constructing the installation
The result:
Installation finished and being exposed
Moving on