We invite young creatives to participate in the third season of the Experiments' Platform
The Experiments’ Platform is an incubator for nascent ideas, creating educational and community learning environments and providing the practical tools needed to develop ideas. The initiative aims to help young creatives active in the fields of placemaking, its reflection, evaluation, and critique to experiment and develop their ideas, research, and projects at an early stage. In the process of experimentation, the platform participants are accompanied by carefully selected mentors who help them refine their ideas, develop new skills, and explore individual approaches to research and spatial practise.
Experiments’ Platform mentors
This year, the creatives will be guided in the development of their ideas by the fellows of the European architecture platform LINA, selected by the most important architecture organisations in Europe:
- Tevi Allan Ston Mensah – an architect and visual artist based in France;
- Palace of Un/Learning – a duo of Dr Bernadette Krejs, architect and researcher, and Max Utech, architect working between urbanism, architecture, research and art.
The mentor team will also be joined by:
- TAAT – the art collective of Goda Verikaitė, Breg Horemans and Gert-Jan Stam;
- Aistė Ambrazevičiūtė – digital artist and architect practising experimental architecture.
Programme information
The Experiments’ Platform programme will start in June and end at the end of October. During these five months, participants will have the opportunity to take part in lectures, social gatherings, reading sessions, and various collaborative activities. Each participant, or group of participants, will have a mentor to help them develop their idea. The working language of the programme is English.
The Experiments’ Platform offers participants:
- a 24-hour Experiments’ Platform studio in the cultural centre SODAS 2123 in Vilnius;
- a one-off stipend of €400 (including taxes);
- a budget of up to €400 for the research and production of the experiment;
- mentor guidance;
- technical support from the Experiments’ Platform team;
- project-related lectures, meetings, and workshops during the programme.
Participants are expected to:
- have an interest in and experience in spatial practises or related fields;
- responsibly participate in project activities throughout the Experiments’ Platform 2023 programme;
- produce an original creative process and outcome;
- be able to independently conduct their experiment, implement it, and present its results;
- be able to fluently communicate in English.
Participants will be required to present their process in a workshop or other format during the Platform. At the end of the programme, participants will be required to give a public presentation of the results of their project.
Application requirements
Architektūros fondas invites all ambitious young developers to present their idea for an experiment and to join the five-month Experiments’ Platform programme. Ideas can be submitted by individuals or groups of up to 3 people. The application will require:
- an idea for an experiment that you want to develop further during the five months of the programme. It should be submitted on one A3 sheet, which can contain text, photos, sketches, or any other form of expression that best fits your project idea. (English);
- a motivation letter (up to 500 words in English) outlining your previous experience and motivation to develop the proposed idea within the framework of the Experiments’ Platform. (English);
- a portfolio of up to five selected works that best reflect the artistic qualities, values, techniques, and knowledge of the creator, which are planned to be applied to the experiment. (In English).
The presentation of the idea, the portfolio, and a motivation letter should be sent in PDF format to exp@archfondas.lt.
The deadline for submission of the application is May 18.
The application is open to young Lithuanian and foreign creatives, architects, and artists whose proposed experimental research relates to space.
The results of the open call will be announced at the end of May.