Searching for the historical origins of kreivuoliai, there was found a website claiming the title of the pioneers of curvy architecture in Lithuania.
2021 06 11
Kreivuoliai echoes of prehistoric times – as if the arbours would have been brought down from the forest log by log by a tribe who did not have advanced technical skills. Nevertheless, the earliest source announcing the beginning of the era of curvy arbours in Lithuania is found in 1996 on the website of the company “Laukbaldis”: “We were the first in Lithuania to start manufacturing this product and bring the beauty for your environment!”. It remains a mystery if 1996 was certainly that fateful turn for the face of Lithuanian recreational areas. By the way, according to the VMU, the most intensive construction of campsites, resorts and recreation areas in Lithuania took place in 2005-2008, before the crisis.